Why Using Moving Box Labels Is a Smart Move

A Clear Box Label: Fragile

Whether you’re moving or just packing up items to put them in storage, being organized will make things easier on you in the long run. Yes, packing is dreadful, and having to think about what to put in which box and how to label them does make it a little more complicated.

No matter how tempting it might be to give up on organizing and just get things done, it isn’t a good idea. There are good reasons for all those moving box labels.

“Where’s my stuff?”

Most people do not fully unpack the moment they arrive at their new home. Instead, the process happens slowly over time. Or at least it does if you packed correctly. When you use strategic moving box labels, you make it easy to find the vital items first, allowing you to unpack what you need upfront and then slowly empty out the other boxes over time.

Without strategy and labeling, your life will not settle down until you unpack every box. If you’re packing for storage, it’s even more important. When moving, you expect to unpack all boxes soon enough. But when storing items, you plan to keep them boxed up long term.

However, if they’re not labeled, you will end up tearing them all open only to have to dig through a mess of odds and ends to find anything specific.

“I think something just broke.”

Chances are you own at least a few things that can break when handled improperly. If you box those items up without marking the containers as fragile, you risk the items inside breaking. When you consider the cost of replacing broken electronics or the devastating loss of destroying something priceless, taking the time to label boxes properly is a small price to pay.

“This is taking forever.”

When you label your boxes, you know where they need to go. You can take them there, open them up, and empty them quickly. When boxes are not labeled and items are haphazardly packed, there will be a lot of walking back and forth between rooms and floors to get everything where it needs to be. This can double or triple the time it takes to unpack and makes for a very messy home.

So, how can you avoid these scenarios?

Everyone has their own organizational system, so first things first; do what makes sense to you. Following expert advice is great if you have no idea where to start. But, if you do, take the lead. Next, get the supplies you need to label your boxes.

  • Quality markers are a must, but you can expand your toolbox if necessary.
  • Colored markers can help to differentiate between rooms or which boxes take priority when unpacking.
  • Sticky labels can also help if you don’t want to write directly on the boxes, which may be the case when using storage tubs rather than cardboard boxes. So, with those out of the way, what are some tips to keep in mind when labeling your boxes?
  • Make sure all the moving box labels used are visible from all directions. This means getting them on the tops and sides of all boxes and, in some cases, the bottoms.
  • If a box cannot be turned upside down for whatever reason, clearly label which side goes up.
  • If a box contains fragile items, mark it as such, to be handled with care.
  • Keep items from a specific room together. Then, label the box based on the room it goes in.
  • For each room, place the top priority items in one box, the second-tier priority items in a second box, and so on. Label these either with numbers or colors that denote their importance. This will help you prioritize when unpacking.
  • If you are moving as a family, assign boxes to different family members. This will prevent confusion when unpacking and ensure everyone knows what their jobs are.
  • When storing items, keep a list attached to each box noting what’s inside. This makes it easier to find what you need when you need it.

If you follow these tips, you may find that the packing process takes a little longer than it otherwise would. But you’ll save time in the long run.

If all this sounds a bit overwhelming, allow us to help. Here at Walsh Moving and Storage, we can handle the entire packing process for you.




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